Categories: Anabolic tablets, Anavar (Oxandrolone), Oral Steroids
Tags: anabolic, balkanpharmaceuticals, oxandrolon
Anavar (Oxandrolon) – 100 tabs (10mg/tab)
Name: Oxandrolon
Chemical Name: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Steroid Type: PCT – Oral
Anavar (oxandrolone) is quite mild on your liver. Its probably the mildest oral steroid available today. Dosages of up to 80mgs/day are easily tolerated by most men, and most side effects often found with other steroids are not common with Anavar! For this reason, Anavar is frequently the steroid of choice for many top level female bodybuilders and other athletes.
Anavar and Fat Loss:
Anavar may be what wed call a “fat-burning steroid” Anavar will give you nearly permanent gains, and if you are trying to lose fat, the fat lost with Anavar is nearly permanent.
Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Buy Balkan Pharmaceuticals from the offical Balkan-Pharma Steroid Shop.